06255-220359 / 220759 / 220859


Academic Programme

The academic session starts in April and ends in March of the succeeding year. The whole session is divided into two terms consisting of Periodic, Half Yearly and Final Examination with a view to have a proper and systematic working. So we can provide students comprehensive feedback through examinations. Assignment on various topics are given to students throughout the session to make then creative and attach with subject matters.


Our promotions policy is as simple as government rules under the RTE Act. But for the betterment of the child, for his/her future, we follow same criteria for promotion as:

  • Regularity in attendance
  • Appearing to the Examination
  • Achieving Minimum Passing Marks
  • Bringing laurels to society and school
  • Maximum Participation in school activities etc.

Examination & Evaluation System

The assessment structure and examinations for all classes up to VIllth have been prepared to impart quality education and comprises of two terms i.e. Term- I and Term-2 as explained below :


SUBJECTS TERM - 1(100 Marks)
(1st half of the session)
20 marks periodic Assessment +
80 marks for Half Yearly Exam
TERM - 2(100 Marks)
(2nd half of the session)
20 marks periodic Assessment +
80 marks for Yearly Exam

Language - 1

Language - 2

Language - 3



Any other subjects
PA - 20 Marks

Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school

Note Book Submission 5 marks at term end

Sub Enrichment 5 marks at term end
Half Yearly Exam

Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly exam dates by school
PA - 20 Marks

Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school

Note Book Submission 5 marks at term end

Sub Enrichment 5 marks at term end
Yearly Exam

Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus coverage as below:

Class VI: 10% of 1st term covering significant topics /

ClassVll: 20% of I st term covering significant topics /

Class VIII: 30% of I st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term

As per uniform system of assessment syllabus of class IX Question will be asked from whole syllabus of class IX. 1st term will be conducted in 1st half of the session .Questions in 1st term will be asked from syllabus covered till announcement of 1st term dates. Annual Examination will be conducted at end of the session. Full marks in Annual Examination is 80 in every subject. Students will have to pass annual Examination (80 marks) & Periodic Tests, Notebook Submission, Subject Enrichment. (20 marks) separately.

Syllabus & Assessment in class X School conducts 3 periodic tests in entire academic year and average of the best 2 is taken. Board will conduct examination in each compulsory subject.

Grading scale for Scholastic Areas (Upto Class VIII) (School will award grades as per the following grading scale) Grading scale for Scholastic Areas (Class IX) (School will award grades as per the following grading scale)
Marks Range Grade Marks Range Grade
91 - 100 A1 91 - 100 A1
81 - 90 A2 81 - 90 A2
71 - 80 B1 71-80 B1
61 - 70 B2 61 - 70 B2
51 - 60 C1 51 - 60 C1
41-50 C2 41-50 C2
33-40 D 33 - 40 D
32 & below E (Needs improvement) 32 & below Failed

Co-Scholastic Activities (Upto Class VIII): For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas be carried out in CBSE affiliated schools by the teachers and will be graded term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding, B =Very Good and C= Fair). The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following co-scholastic activities.